VLOG Review: For People Who FEEL LOST In Life, Watch This To Find Your PURPOSE


The overarching idea that the video wants to get over is that there are no shortcuts to success. Jay Shetty said that the most effective approach to demonstrating love and compassion is accepting people for whom they are rather than attempting to alter who they are. It is hard to know what we want unless we first figure out who we are as individuals and what makes us special. 

They are both really good listeners. If people are allowed to finish their ideas and to listen in between the lines of what the speaker is saying, then the discussion will be more meaningful. Some of us are completely unaware of the greater meaning and intrinsic value of our lives.

Being of service to others at the same time that you discover who you are can be a rewarding experience. When you learn to enjoy life, it can become a great experience. In the video, it teaches that there are ways to live that bring satisfaction, and there are other ways that only cause pain. Identifying the things in one's life that bring them joy is the key to a successful existence. No matter what anyone thinks, it was explained that one cannot be forced to behave in a particular way.

It's up to you to decide which option is ideal for your needs. Taking full responsibility for your mistakes will only help you grow, and making those mistakes on your own free will is the only way to prevent them from happening again. Even if you are unsuccessful, you still have the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and become a better person in the future. It would help if you had a firm grasp of the goals and values that guide your life.

Once you have a clear understanding of who you are and the things most important to you, other people’s opinions will hold far less weight in your life. Learn to get over yourself so that you may enjoy the full benefits of a life of freedom. One must let go of care for how other people see them in order to be able to appreciate life to its fullest. 

Many believe that the only way to have a feeling of significance is to possess something that sets you apart from everyone else, but this is only partially accurate. Because it is partly developed via interpersonal interactions, feeling isolated from others can lead to a lack of purpose in one’s life. As soon as you have found the path you intend to take, you will likely run into other individuals going in the same general direction. Spending time with other people allows you to absorb the wisdom and experience of those around you, which broadens your viewpoint and enables you to learn new things. It is conceivable that you are unaware of the positive psychological effects of assisting other people. 

How you treat other people is a direct indication of the kind of person you are, and understanding how this influences your development is something that comes only with experience and maturity. Your sense of meaning develops due to the interaction between your interests and the circumstances of your life.

Finding a happy medium between looking out for one’s interests and those of others, is essential to both earning genuine success and leading a life worthy of legend. Put another way, and you ought to extend assistance to other people in any way that is within your means. Whether you give money to a charitable organization, spend time with individuals living on the streets, or volunteer as a mentor in your town, the experience will be as valuable to you as it will be to the people you assist. 

Giving yourself to help others gives you not only a new perspective on your own life but also creates a strong foundation upon which you may build your successes in the future. The secret to happiness is to stop caring about what happens to you. You will never be satisfied if your happiness depends on the opinions of others.

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXoErccq0vw&t=2335s