
What You Focus On Is What You Feel

What You Focus On Is What You Feel

What you focus on is what you will feel

I grew up as a child actor. When I was 10, I studied method acting by Stanislavski and one of the big feats that you have to learn how to do as an actor is how to cry on cue. They teach you to do this in method acting through an exercise called a sense memory.

You start out with about five minutes of calming your mind, sitting still, and trying to relax your brain down into theta waves. It’s basically meditating. You then think of a situation that would upset you and you focus on your five senses. Let’s say you were going to imagine your dog dying. You would first focus on what your dog smells like then you would focus on the nuances of what you hear, maybe it’s the vet asking you a question or the sound of his bark.

Without fail, by time you get to the 5th sense, but often by the second, if you kept your focus, you would be balling your eyes out.